
WAY OF GLORY MISSIONS is passionately committed to reaching the unreached people groups around the world through our profound endeavour of training dedicated & credible missionaries and also offering continuous supports to missionaries, who are practically engaging in missions, the heartbeat of God. In order to fulfil this heavenly ordained mandate, your continuous and fervent prayers are needed as well as financial donations as Holy Spirit will lead you…

Should you being led by God to support us financially, please make your donations to us through the under-listed mediums:

  • Regular standing orders, please call us on telephone: 079 4946 8506 to get our bank account details.
  • Cheques made payable to “WAY OF GLORY MISSIONS” and give us a call for our full postal address.
  • CAF vouchers.
  • Visiting our Mission Centre to donate cash and you will be given a thank you receipt that covers your donation.

We enormously appreciate your kind support, may God of reciprocity graciously reward your labour of love.

God bless you.

Surely CHRIST in you the hope of glory!