Prayers for our nation:
· [1] Pray for the peace of GOD to reign over this land – United Kingdom and for this country to once again embrace the gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST in its totality…
· [2] Pray for the knowledge of GOD’s glory to fill this land as water covers the sea…
Prayer for yourself:
* God help me to seek your Kingdom first and His righteousness; as I do this, please add every goodness of life to me…
* As your child oh God, please make Christ to be totally formed in me…
* Above all, grant me the grace to reign with you eternally…
Important Note:
· Please serve God with all your heart, soul and might by getting occupied with God’s work… Remember, the harvest is plenty but credible labourers are few… may you become a credible worker in God’s Kingdom from this very moment in Jesus Mighty Name, amen.